Today's the last day of work for a colleague of mine. She joined the company about a year after me. We got along well with each other almost from the word go.
She's leaving for a better job elsewhere. As I'm not in the office today, we said our goodbyes yesterday. I said I'll miss her and she said we'll meet up one of these weekends as we live relatively close to each other (about 1/2 hour's drive by car).
I know we both mean it when we say we'll try to keep in touch. However, I am consciously telling myself not to set my hopes up too high. Somehow, from my personal experiences, the friendships I form at work do not seem to last when either one of us has left the company. I suppose it's because the common bond we have is our work issues and our coffee break chats at the pantry.
When we move on to a new workplace, we lose that common bond. She will have new colleagues and face new challenges.
I'm not writing her off completely. There may be a chance that this friendship might withstand the change. I've made some good friends at work whom I am still in touch with now although we've each gone our separate ways. We definitely do not see each other as often as when we were working together and some of them have even moved away.
However, thank God for the power of the internet. Without it, I wouldn't be able to keep in touch with them, view their family photos and videos and sometimes, even chat with them online!
It's definitely not the same as being in the same office together but it just means that our friendships have adapted to the change and developed a new way to sustain themselves.

I'm dedicating this post to her. May she find personal and professional fulfilment in her new workplace. Oh, the reason why I have roses in this post is because she loves roses and has several outfits with roses on them. :)
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