What is the cure for all ills? I believe I have found the secret! A nice long hot relaxing soak in the bath tub!

I know what you're thinking...I've lost my marbles. How can a bath cure all ills? Bear with me as I explain.
I had a very tough 2 days.
Work: I've been cooped up in a meeting room all of Monday and today with an entourage of high level top management team from London. It's been extremely "brain-draining" on all of us who participated as they demanded so much out of us.
Osh Osh: The specialist doctor on children's speech told us that Osh Osh requires fortnightly therapy. Her prognosis was good but we still have to go through the motions.
Relationships: I've had a horrible quarrel with my inlaws tonight. You can sum it up as expectations not met. I've not spent much time with DH as I was home late last night due to an obligatory work dinner and tonight, he's on shift duties and won't be home.
After my inlaws left and I settled down, I spent some quality time with Osh Osh, assuring him that Mummy may have gone bonkers but she still loves him very much.
After he was sound asleep, I ran the hot water into the tub, together with seaweed bath salts. I applied tea tree facial mask on my face and a hair mask for my hair (to improve his its shine and softness). Then I played one of my favourite Norah Jones CD. When I soaked in the tub for 20 minutes, all my tension, worries, guilt and frustration melted away. I didn't want to get out but the water had turned cold and I was starting to resemble an old prune!
I now feel relaxed, rejuvenated and at peace, ready for a good night's sleep. That's why my belief in a nice bath being THE cure of all ills remains ever so strong! :)
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