Friday, November 28, 2008
Something's got to give
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Busy Bumblebee
He doesn't watch them on tv so he may have picked it up from his friends at school or maybe he saw some adverts on the toys on tv, in between his Ben 10 programme. He has also asked for a caterpillar toy (I guess that must have stemmed from The Very Hungry Caterpillar play) but we're not getting him that. On top of all that, he's been asking for the entire Transformers toys collection!

So, today during my lunch time, I went to Toys R Us which is in the mall near my office. Unfortunately, this particular Toys R Us outlet ran out of the Bumblebee toy. I asked one of the customer care consultants to call up the outlets and guess what?? They all ran out of the Bumblebee toy!!! They told me it’s one of their best sellers and they don't know if they will be able to replenish their stock in time for Christmas.
I took the train back, had a very quick lunch (about 10mins) and rushed back to work. Luckily, my workload today is not that heavy and I can breathe a little. Whew!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Capterpillar and Christmas Tree
Osh Osh was excited and kept asking where is the Caterpillar. That's the only character he really interested in although he did laugh when he saw the chameleon. The whole play lasted about 45 minutes and Osh Osh was tired 2/3 through the play. To him, the Caterpillar was a no show! He felt that the Caterpillar had stood him up! He started to cry. I comforted him and kept saying the Caterpillar will be out soon. He sobbed into my chest as I carried him on my lap.
When the Caterpillar finally showed up, Osh Osh was still crying. I guess he was so overwhelmed with emotions: the long wait for his much anticipated character, the fact that he was also hungry and the dark theatre. All these factors contributed to his mixed up and uncontrollable emotions.
However, it didn't take him long to be his happy self again. He watched keenly as the Caterpillar ate through lots of fruits and food. Each time the Caterpillar finished eating something, it would kick away the remnants of the food with its tail end. Very funny!
Towards the end of the play when the puppeteers came out to explain how they manipulated the puppets to make those moves, Osh Osh was already walking about, exploring his surroundings. I'm glad we went, despite the short crying spell. Overall, I think it was a good experience for him and for us.
Here are some momento shots:
Friday, November 21, 2008
Mummy's blown away!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The "heal all ills" bath

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Making amends
Friday, November 14, 2008
A much needed reprieve
DH: He's still on the mend from his flu (and I think I caught it from him too as have been sniffling a lot over the past few days). He's been studying whenever he can to keep up the momentum. He's also put forward the paper work for his deferment of his national service enlistment in order for him to be able to resit the exams in April 09. Praying for a good outcome of his application to defer.
Osh Osh: We took him to his first speech therapy session on Wednesday. He was quite relaxed and happy. He didn't want to leave the clinic when it was time for us to go as they had so many toys there which he couldn't get enough of. However, I was quite surprised and upset when the speech therapist told us that Osh Osh has to attend fortnightly therapy sessions. I thought he had improved a lot in his speech and stammered less since we last saw the doctor in early September. We have another follow up appointment on Monday to see the doctor and will see what she has to say then.
Osh Osh has also been practising for his year end concert (next Friday - Nov 21) and yesterday, they had a full dress rehearsal at the concert venue. We dropped him off at school and he and his friends along with his teachers took the school bus there. When we picked him up, we were very curious as Osh Osh has not revealed to us what he and his friends will be doing for the concert. All the teachers will tell us is that it's a song and dance. I find it quite amusing that Osh Osh is so tight lipped about the whole thing. You would have thought he would eagerly want to show us his dance steps, singing his song repeatedly but nope, we couldn't pry anything out of him!
Now onto me! As I'm also feeling under the weather, I've not had any time to myself lately. Most of my 'free' time after work is spent on chores and Osh Osh. After Osh Osh goes to sleep, I sleep too as I am too tired to do anything else. DH and I haven't been had much time to sit down and talk. Our conversations are often rushed through dinner, in between chores and a few words before we sleep. I really don't want this to carry on as we're not reconnecting. It is definitely not good for the marriage in the long run. He's not working this weekend so I plan to carve out some time with just him alone.
Work wise, I've been busy attending internal workshops and meetings all focussed around the reorganization of the company and control issues. It's quite draining especially when the same things are being drummed into us again and again. The management wants each of us to sing the same tune as them so I guess an overkill of repeated information would do just the trick.
There are 2 job openings within the company that I wanted to try for. These positions would be a move up for me. However, my manager did not support my intention to apply (in the company, if you want to move internally, you would need your manager's approval first) and there were valid reasons for her decision. So, I am disappointed and feeling somewhat trapped now. I've been sitting in my current role for almost 2 years and it doesn't give me any more fulfilment.
DH said I need some time off just to relax and think things through, to chart my course for next year. So, we have planned a short break to go back to visit my parents in December. We'll let them take care of Osh Osh for a few days while DH and I find a peaceful beach resort to escape to! Praying it will do both of us good. Oh...December just seems so far away now...I can't wait to exchange the noise of heavy traffic, crowded trains and food courts, demanding work environment to the sounds of the ocean, lazy mornings and walks on the beach...
Friday, November 7, 2008
It's ok, Mummy, it's ok
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Perception :
1. the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.
2 the process of perceiving.
3 a way of understanding or interpreting something.
4 intuitive understanding and insight.
I extracted the above defintion from the Oxford Dictionary.
Why am I emphasizing this word? Due to a series of communications and meetings at work, I've been perceived in a way that has been negative and possibly detrimental to my appraisal at the year end.
The upper management has taken the view that I am not keen or proactive enough when it comes to my work. They feel that I should be carving out my personal time at home to make calls to my counterparts in other time zones in order to expedite matters.
That is their perception.
I believe I work hard. I put in the extra hours. I'm efficient and I act quickly, promptly and decisively.
However, I've not been one to promote myself in public. I'm one of those who do the work quietly and resolve matters on my own without making a big fuss of things.
So, what do I do now? I've been feeling low and demoralized by these comments and feedback as I have been working so hard for the past few months, fire fighting issues for the company in relation to what's been happening in the world economy. Colleagues have suggested that I have a face to face session with my manager and inform her that I don't think her perceptions and those of her superiors are right.
I'd better start thinking about writing a fabulous advertorial to start "selling" me the right way??